For the first time, little Kgomotso actually looked forward to going back to school this year. Thanks to the surgery he received from Operation Smile, he can now face his classmates with a big, confident smile on his face.

Last year, he was teased and bullied mercilessly because he looked ‘different’. Even the teachers were powerless to stop the bullying. But now, Kgomotso looks no different from any other little boy. He’ll be able to make friends and join in the games of soccer during break time.

After six long years of waiting and hoping, he can finally just be a normal little boy. What a great way to start the new year.

And how amazing it would be if we could also start the new year with everything we need to help more children like Kgomotso live normal lives.

We have the dedicated medical volunteers we need to perform world class surgery and provide after care. We have the systems in place to identify and screen babies born with cleft lip or cleft palate. We have partnerships with hospitals in areas where cleft conditions often go untreated. All we need is you!

What can you do? Simply look deep into your generous heart and make the decision to support us financially.

Surgery to repair a cleft lip can take as little as 45 minutes and costs from as little as R5 500. Any amount you can contribute towards this will help change another child’s life.

All you have to do is fill in the form to donate now.

Thank you for caring about children who might otherwise not have access to safe surgery.

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