Joy. Wonder. Gratitude. Tears.



Be part of our next surgical programme – give the gift of a new smile and change a child’s life and future.



Move for Smiles

Join the movement – get fit and help children born with cleft conditions receive life-changing surgeries.


Starting on World Smile Day (Friday, 4th October 2024) and continuing until the end of November, it’s your chance to get active, have fun, and use your fitness challenge to raise funds from family, business colleagues and friends.

Run your first 10km or half-marathon, climb a mountain, swim a mile, lose 10kg – any challenge you want to set yourself ! – and get friends and family to sponsor you every step of the way, to motivate you to reach your goal and help provide more surgeries to children born with cleft lip or palate.

Every 3 minutes …

… a child is born somewhere in the world with a cleft condition. In first world countries, corrective surgery is usually done within the first 18 months of life. But in Southern Africa, where safe surgery is not always freely available or accessible, a child may have to wait years for the chance to live a normal life.

What happens if cleft conditions are left untreated?

Difficulty in eating and drinking
Babies born with cleft may be unable to feed properly, and may suffer from malnutrition and thirst. The risk of death is nine times higher for these children.

speech difficulties
Speech difficulties are common among children born with cleft conditions. They may struggle to make themselves understood, and need speech therapy after surgery.

Dental problems
Teeth may grow at an angle, adding to the disfigurement and making it difficult for the child to chew properly. Following surgery, the child may need orthodontistry to ensure teeth are correctly aligned.

Social isolation
In many cultures children born with cleft conditions – and their families – are shunned. Or the child may be mocked and teased for being so ‘ugly’. No wonder they suffer from low self-esteem, bullying and social isolation.

Change despair to hope

Depending on the severity, cleft conditions can be repaired in just 45 minutes. Your donation makes new smiles possible.

You don’t have to act as if you care

You just have to care enough to act

In 1982, Dr William (Bill) Magee, a plastic surgeon, and his wife Kathy, a nurse and clinical social worker, travelled to the Philippines with a group of medical volunteers to repair children’s cleft lips and cleft palates.

What they found was overwhelming. Over 300 families arrived, hoping their children would receive surgery. But the team could only treat 40 children.

“People pushed their babies at us,” recalls Kathy. “They tugged at our sleeves with tears in their eyes and begged us to help their children.”

As they were leaving, the Magees promised they would return to help more children – and Operation Smile was born.

Today, Operation Smile is an international medical charity with a network of medical volunteers from more than 80 countries, dedicated to helping children born with cleft palate and other facial abnormalities.

Cleft surgery
How your support helps

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Our global family


With more than 6,000 active medical volunteers from all around the world, Operation Smile is one of the world’s largest volunteer-based nonprofit organisations. Our supporters are people from all walks of life, who believe that anyone born with a cleft condition deserves safe, effective, and timely surgery and care.

Global footprint